
Engage cardMembers with an Engage Account should have received a letter from Engage notifying of your new Engage Account sort code and account number. Please note that your account number should be eight digits long, if your new account number on your letter only shows seven digits, there will be a missing ‘0’ from the front. e.g. account number ‘1234567’ should read ‘01234567’

Do please read the letter from Engage carefully. If you receive wages, benefits or any other funds directly to your Engage Account you will need to notify them of your new details now

Not received a letter from Engage? Contact them info@engageaccount.com to update your contact details and ensure your letter is posted to the correct address. 

If Advance Credit Union transfers benefits or funds to your Engage Account you do not need to make any changes; you will continue to receive your benefits as usual. 

Find out more about the Engage Account.